Tuesday, February 12, 2013

A look at war, its boons and its banes

War is an ever-present aspect of humanity, proven in part by the existence of a war deity in almost any culture. Whole civilizations rose and fell beneath the clash of blades; rulers reigned and were dethroned amid volleys of projectiles. War is loathed for its many apparent evils, yet it persists across various parts of the globe in varying intensities.

Image Source: war1992.blogspot.com

Of all the banes of war, its close association to death is perhaps the most hated of all. War involves bloody and violent battles that leave many dead—warrior or not. It also brings with it many other killers—diseases, famines, and crimes, among other things. At times, these killers persist even after the war is long over.

Image Source: civilwarsz.info

War brings about chaos. Organized communities may be thrown into anarchy by the loss of a centralized power, leading to lawlessness and loss of life and property. In some instances, war can cause damage so severe it causes a reversal or shift in those who occupy particular social classes.

Image Source: allworldwars.com

However, war also has its boons, though these tend to depend on a person’s point of view and who the winning side is. Some wars result to peace, and some lead to movements that raise the status of a previously undermined sector in society. Some wars have helped unite a nation just as some have helped in breaking it apart. Some wars leave involved parties ruined, while some build them up. World War II, for example, made the U.S. the most powerful country in the world today.

Image Source: designerfied.com

The possibility of war will always loom over humanity, and even a minor event can trigger conflict. But as long as it’s possible, it is better to avoid the war and the destruction it brings.

Retired Lt. Gen. Frank Kearney had firsthand experience in battle, having served the military for more than 30 years. This Facebook page holds updates about him.