Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Lieutenant General Frank Kearney: Team Red, White & Blue and guiding veterans to a new life

To describe a life of combat as “difficult” may well be an understatement. Only people like Lieutenant General Frank Kearney—those who have experienced it firsthand—can really fathom the hurdles that soldiers face at an almost daily basis. It is not uncommon for soldiers to leave the Army scarred—physically, psychologically, and emotionally—and unable to return to their pre-service lives easily.

Frank Kearney Photo Credit:

This is the primary concern of Team Red, White & Blue (RWB), a non-profit organization that aims to help army veterans reintegrate themselves into society. Team RWB understands that some wounds cut deeper than flesh and bone, and that it is only through friendship and the establishment of individual relationships that such injuries are healed. Additionally, the organization recognizes the significance of raising the morale and self-esteem of soldiers.

Frank Kearney Photo Credit:

Himself an army veteran, Lieutenant General Frank Kearney serves as an adviser of Team RWB, helping facilitate the organization’s activities for retired soldiers. Team RWB’s programs follow a multifaceted approach focused on four key areas.

Frank Kearney Photo Credit:

Primarily, the organization helps veterans establish a meaningful one-on-one relationship with a member of the community, from whom they can find support and opportunities for growth. Secondly, Team RWB hosts events that bring soldiers and members of the community together, allowing veterans to connect with citizens who might want to extend any kind of help. The organization also creates athletic events meant to inspire people, and to raise awareness about Team RWB’s mission. These events generate funds used to directly help wounded soldiers and support the organization’s programs. Finally, Team RWB opens opportunities for citizens to support wounded veterans by utilizing their unique skills.

Being part of the army is challenging, but for soldiers, they cannot serve their country more directly, and it is an honor to do so. The efforts of Team RWB and its advocates certainly go a long way in assuring soldiers that their sacrifices do not go unnoticed.

Frank Kearney Photo Credit:

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